Technical Advisor
Many organisations offer various forms of adventurous activities but may not have suitable expertise within their teams to advise, review and design effective systems which align to the industries common good practice.
My unique experience puts me in a position to work as a Technical Advisor for such organisations and I can do so in several ways. The first stage is to meet up and discuss the aims for the organisation and to then establish a plan of how to take things forward. Examples of my Technical Advisor services:
- Site specific staff training
- Reviewing activity procedures
- Reviewing risk assessment and emergency procedures
- Staff validation training and assessment
- Staff training (Continued Professional Development)
- Incident reviewing
My activities for acting as a Technical Advisor include the following:
- Site specific staff training
- Walking activities (from countryside through to international trekking, summer and winter)
- Climbing wall activities (including lead climbing, bouldering, abseiling)
- Rock climbing activities (single pitch and multi-pitch)